Getting Started - Fuse REST Quickstart on OpenShift

Getting Started - Fuse REST Quickstart on OpenShift

This guide demonstrates step-by-step how to create a Fuse cluster and deploy one of the quickstart applications using Red Hat’s OpenShift Online infrastructure.

The first thing you’ll do is open up a browser and navigate to OpenShift Online. If you don’t already have an account, you can sign up for a free one. However, the free account is restricted to 3 small gears which will not run JBoss Fuse instances. So you will need to upgrade to a paid account to complete this guide.

Step 1: Create A Domain/Namespace

After you’ve created an OpenShift Online account and logged in, you will end up at the landing page.

Landing Page

Before creating any apps, you’ll need to create a domain/namespace. If you already have a domain/namespace, and you’d like to re-use it, you can skip this step. This is a unique identifier that allows you to group applications. Click on the “Settings“ tab at the top of the page.

Settings Button

Enter your desired domain/namespace and click the “Create“ button.

Create Domain Button

Now you’re ready to create your JBoss Fuse cluster.

Step 2: Create A JBoss Fuse Cluster

To create a JBoss Fuse cluster, first navigate to the applications page by clicking the “Applications“ button at the top of the screen.

Applications Button

If you don’t already have any applications, you will see a link to “Create your first application now“ like in the picture below.

Create Application Link

Click the link and it will begin the “Create Application“ workflow. On the first page, you will see a list of available cartridges.

Create Application

You’ll want to find and click on the “JBoss Fuse 6.1“ cartridge pictured below. If you can’t find it, you can use the search box.

Create Application

Next, you’ll configure the cartridge.

Create Application

Fill in the “Public URL“ field with the desired application name. You’ll notice that it automatically appends your domain/namespace that you created in Step 1.

Create Application

Select the desired “Gear Size“. You must use at least a medium sized gear to run the JBoss Fuse cartridge.

Create Application

When you’re satisfied with your settings, click the “Create Application“ button. Be patient, as it might take a minute or so to finish. Do not navigate away (or refresh) the page!

Create Application

Once your application has been successfully created, you will be presented with an informational screen like the one shown below. Make sure to capture this information as you will need it later and there is no way to get it once you’ve left this page!

Create Application

Step 3: Provision A Child Container

Now that you have a JBoss Fuse cluster, you can provision a child container with the actual quickstart deployed. Click on the “Applications“ tab at the top of the page, and you should see your newly created JBoss Fuse application.

Application List

Click on that application, and it should open up the JBoss Fuse Management Console. You will need to login using the credentials that were displayed for you at the end of Step 2.

Fuse Console

After you login, you should see the JBoss Fuse Management Console’s landing page.

Fuse Console

Click on the “Runtime“ tab to view the list of servers that are currently part of this cluster.

Fuse Console

At the moment, there should be only 1 and it is the Fabric Registry server (indicated by the little cloud icon).

Fuse Console

Click on the “Create“ button toward the top right of the page to begin the “Create Container“ workflow.

Fuse Console

Fill in the desired “Container Name“ and “Gear Size“ making sure to use at least a medium or larger. You can enter your OpenShift Online credentials and click the “Login to OpenShift“ button to have it fill in the “OpenShift Domain“ field. Select the “rest“ profile under the “Example / Quickstarts“ folder.

Fuse Console

When done, click the “Create And Start Container“ button. Be patient, as it might take a minute or so to finish. Do not navigate away (or refresh) the page!

Fuse Console

Once the container has been created, you will be redirected back to the “Containers“ page. You will notice that there are now 2. One is the Fabric Registry server, and one is hosting your application.

Fuse Console

Click on the “APIs“ tab to view the base URI of the REST service you’ve just deployed. It will be in the “Location“ column.

Fuse Console

Step 4: Test The Application

Open a browser and navigate to the URI that you discovered in Step 3, appending /customerservice/customers/123. If successful, you should see some XML text come back.

If all went well, you’ve now got a running JBoss Fuse cluster with the REST quickstart deployed to a child instance.


Josh Reagan

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